What a Night! Christmas Craft Fair at the STMA

What a Night! Christmas Craft Fair at the STMA

We had around 200 visitors at last week’s Christmas Craft Fair, which for a 3 hour event in a small hall, was amazing – I think next year we’ll need a bigger hall!

The STMA bar was busy, and Snug Toasties kept us fed and watered – thanks to Josh for doing food and coffee runs for our busy stallholders! They were a late addition, so didn’t make it onto the posters but were included in lots of social media promotion. I think it worked as a draw to bring people in and an excuse to have a night off cooking – although my chips, followed by chocolates from Shelley Scrumptious, probably wasn’t the healthiest choice – yummy though!

Everyone who came was given a raffle ticket to enter a draw to win a Christmas treat hamper. When I asked a visitor to draw it for us at around 8.40pm, it was one of our early visitors that won and I delivered it to her the following day. Because we were giving raffle tickets to everyone, there was sometimes a queue – that’s something I’ll change next time, to avoid that bottleneck. I’m always learning and working out how to improve our events so they can be profitable and easy for stallholders and fun, fresh and exciting for visitors.

This weekend I’ll be going out to take down the posters I put up around Shefford and the local villages – that will take a while. I lost count, but there must be 80-100 – all hand embellished, in true crafty fashion!

Now we’re taking some time to finish our website and plan our events for next year. When we have dates set, we’ll be in touch to give you the opportunity to apply for a stall or to put them on your calendar to come and enjoy!

Feedback, good and bad, is always welcomed, it’s how we improve and evolve. If you came – either as a visitor or exhibitor – and you have an opinion on our event, please share it with us by emailing [email protected]

These are some comments that we’ve received so far…


“It was a fab evening and really well organised”

“It was such a great event thank you for organising!”

“We did better than we anticipated”

Positive feedback is great, please send it, but constructive criticism helps us to improve.

That’s all for now – good luck with the events you’re at over the next few weeks. I have several in my diary that I plan to visit!

Take Care

Lesley, Ian, Sue, Rosie & Josh